With an IQ in the genius range (congratulates himself) I can say that it was not intelligence that got me out though it was a close second. What got me out was more of a visceral feeling that there was something very wrong in what I was perceiving to be the self-glorification of the Watchtower. It was always we, ourselves, and nobody else. It seemed that for every finger they pointed at the sky there were three more pointed at themselves. That is what was giving me anxiety attacks out in field service and what eventually got me out.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
"Intelligent" Witnesses
by megaboy inafter reading some experiences, i have found that this organization has had quite a big change in its operations within the last decade.
back when i was talking to the ocassional witnesses at a local hotspot i remember some of them having respectable intelligence.
what i want to know though is those who have been aquainted with who they felt were more educated and independent in thinking, how they handled the rapid changes.
Village Idiot
by GalaxyD8TA 7.0 in14 years later.... wow...(<--- still doin' it)...just...wow.. was i a spitfire or what?!
totally out of control, shooting from the hip no holds barred posting s.o.b.. now, after a decade and a half: d8ta has evolved to galaxyd8ta 7.0!
improved features of 14 years of marriage, 2 kids, pass mid 40's, calm, collect, seasoned, 14 countries under my belt,.... ..... merry christmas!!!
1975 statements
by A Believer infrom jw org.
“six thousand years of human existence”.
in 1969 the watchtower magazine in czech began publishing a series of articles based on the book life everlasting—in freedom of the sons of god.
Village Idiot
Apparently Fred[dy] Franz, then vice president of the Watchtower, also didn't send the memo out. In 1974 he gave a long talk in Southern California saying that the end will happen in a few months to a few years from September of 1975. I was there at the Inglewood Forum when he said that.
Does The Multiverse Really Exist? (Shrinking Jehovah To Insignificance)
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq5sr2z-pvm.
Village Idiot
Does the Multiverse theory suggest that somewhere, in some strange parallel-existence/alternate-reality...
...the WTS doesn't exist?
So long as human nature is what it is now there will always be something like the WTS.
A history of global living conditions in 5 charts
by Simon ingreat article with charts showing how the world is getting better, despite the attempts of the news and certain religious groups to say it ain't so (or try and make it not).. https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-charts/.
Village Idiot
Viliage idiot did you look at the charts that show many things are getting better every year.
It was sarcasm Al.
A history of global living conditions in 5 charts
by Simon ingreat article with charts showing how the world is getting better, despite the attempts of the news and certain religious groups to say it ain't so (or try and make it not).. https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-charts/.
Village Idiot
Yes sir82, the world started to get worse since Jesus started ruling as the Prince of Peace.
5 Ways to Improve Your Online Security
by Simon inlet's face it, we're all connected now.
we take it for granted that we access our bank accounts from our laptops or phones.
it's so convenient.
Village Idiot
Pete Zahut, I don't know the details but yes, it is possible. Double check the URL after you are re-directed, it may change.
Ooops, Simon beat me to it.
Jesus Christ was no Moses
by smiddy inmoses has a history of what 80+ years as a servant of jehovah ?
in one form or another .. moses wrote / penned the first five books of the bible and went through many trials and tribulations in serving his god jehovah in his long lifetime.interacting with god at times.. jesus was born and nothing is recorded of him until he is a young adolescent child ?
and very little about him.. then we are introduced to him when he is 30 years old and gets baptised ,and only then does he start his preaching .. does he start preaching to the world ?
Village Idiot
So you're basically playing the Devil's advocate?
Jesus Christ was no Moses
by smiddy inmoses has a history of what 80+ years as a servant of jehovah ?
in one form or another .. moses wrote / penned the first five books of the bible and went through many trials and tribulations in serving his god jehovah in his long lifetime.interacting with god at times.. jesus was born and nothing is recorded of him until he is a young adolescent child ?
and very little about him.. then we are introduced to him when he is 30 years old and gets baptised ,and only then does he start his preaching .. does he start preaching to the world ?
Village Idiot
David Jay,
Jews do not believe that gathering wood on the Sabbath is or ever was a capital offense.
And thus begins your rationalization:
The account in Torah at Numbers 15:32-34 tells about the stoning of a man who was caught gathering wood on Shabbat, but his sentence doesn't match anything that Jews know about Torah and the Sabbath. According to the Mishna (Shabbat ch.7), gathering is not a type of work forbidden on the Sabbath.
It does not matter what other books have to say on one subject so long as it's found in one.
Therefore the account in Numbers is NOT stating that gathering wood is forbidden on the Sabbath (note there is no law that states this in Scripture).
Circular reasoning.
The man perhaps was doing something either in the way he gathered wood or the reason why he gathered wood that caused him to be stoned.
Maybe he was gathering the wood to warm himself up while committing adultery? Seriously now, one would think that the real crime would be mentioned without bothering to mention something as trivial as gathering wood.
Elder/MS requirement for marriage talk? (Wedding not in KH)
by respectful_observer inokay team,.
some family friends who are engaged are getting some flack around the particulars of their wedding ceremony (surprise!
"strain out the gnat, gulp down the camel", and all that).
Village Idiot
I recall a statement in the literature about the possibility that non-members might behave poorly and cause an embarrassment at the reception.
I don't have access to this citation so I'm not sure if it says that but it may be of help: w97 4/15 25.